Kubrick ArtPick-DRAWMOVIE『傾城之戀』

Kubrick ArtPick-DRAWMOVIE計劃,集合15位香港展藝術家、插畫師、平面設計師,取材繽紛的80年代港產電影作引子,以手繪風格,重新演繹80年代港產電影作品,展示現今香港插畫、藝術界與別不同的創作風格, 向香港電影黃金年代致敬, 重拾電影海報實體化的樂趣之餘,亦同時帶動一股新鮮的藝術創作熱潮。

Kubrick ArtPick is proud to present DRAWMOVIE – the art of hand drawn movie poster calls for artistic skill, originality, dedication and passion. 1980s was a golden era of “made in Hong Kong” movies, it is also the theme of DRAWMOVIE exhibition, which features 15 home grown artists, illustrators and graphic designers, blending art, movie and Hong Kong culture together, inviting film enthusiasts, audiences and art lovers to connect through the topic of film poster art.

展覽資訊 Exhibition Information
日期 Date | 20 Sep, 2019 – 20 Oct, 2019